Festivals of Andaman And Nicobar Islands

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands celebrate a vibrant mix of national & religious festivals throughout the year. Here are some of tribal festivals celebrated in the Andaman and nicobar Islands

Festivals of Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Bonder Festival

Festivals of Andaman And Nicobar Islands

The bonder Festival is one of the most important festivals of the indigenous nicobaris tribe it is celebrated to seek blessings from the spirits of their ansters the festival typically includes traditional dance performances music and rituals that involve offerings to the spirits bonder is an occasion for Community bonding and strengthening cultural ties.

Some Details :

  • Why: Celebrated by the Nicobari tribe to seek blessings from ancestral spirits.
  • Location: Car Nicobar & other Nicobar Islands.
  • Date: Exact dates vary, but typically held in December or January.
  • Activities: Traditional dance performances, music, offerings to spirits.
  • Best place to experience: Car Nicobar Island.
  • Food: Traditional Nicobari delicacies.
  • Restrictions: Visitors should be respectful of cultural practices.

Ossuary Feast (Andaman Islands )

Festivals of Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Ossuary Feast is celebrated by the indigenous great andamani’s tribes it is a religious Festival that involves the worship of the bones of deceased in Stars during this Festival the tribe members collect the remains of their instas clean and paint them and then hold a feast accompanied by rituals and dance performances.

Some Details :

  • Why: A religious festival by the Great Andamanese tribes involving the veneration of deceased ancestors’ bones.
  • Location: Indigenous tribes
  • Date: December and February.
  • Activities: Rituals, bone cleaning and painting, feasting, dance performances.
  • Best place to experience: Due to the sensitive nature of the ceremony, it’s best to observe from a respectful distance unless invited by a tribe member.
  • Food: Traditional tribal food.
  • Restrictions: Outsiders should be respectful and avoid interfering with the ceremony.

Wabi ( Car Nicobar Island )

Festivals of Andaman And Nicobar Islands

The Car Nicobarese Community celebrates the Wabi Festival as a way to Express gratitude to the gods for a good harvest it involves communal feasting singing dancing and traditional Sports the festival is a reflection of the close connection between the nicobaris people and their environment

  • Why: Celebrated by the Car Nicobarese community to express gratitude for a bountiful harvest.
  • Location: Car Nicobar Island.
  • Date: November or December. Exact dates may vary.
  • Activities: Communal feasting, singing, dancing, traditional sports.
  • Best place to experience: Car Nicobar Island.
  • Food: Traditional Nicobari dishes featuring seasonal ingredients.
  • Restrictions: Visitors should be respectful of cultural practices.

Tuhet ( little Andaman Island )

Festivals of Andaman And Nicobar Islands

The onge tribe one of the indigenous group of the Andaman Islands celebrates the tuhet Festival this Festival is an occasion for feasting dancing and singing it is an important cultural event for the onge people who are known for their unique way of life.

  • Why: A celebration of feasting, dancing, and singing by the Onge tribe.
  • Location: Little Andaman Island.
  • Date: December and February.
  • Activities: Feasting, dancing, singing.
  • Best place to experience: Little Andaman Island. However, due to the tribe’s vulnerable state, outside access is restricted.
  • Food: Traditional Onge cuisine.
  • Restrictions: Public access is restricted to protect the Onge tribe.

Lakhsmi puja (Nicobar Islands )

The lakshmi puja festival is celebrated by the shompen tribe an indigenous group in the nicobar islands . its dedicated to the goddess Lakshmi the deity of wealth and prosperity the festival includes traditional rituals dance performances and communal meals.

Some Details :

  • Why: Celebrated by the Shompen tribe, dedicated to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity.
  • Location: Nicobar Islands, particularly among the Shompen tribe.
  • Date: Held around Diwali, which typically falls in October or November.
  • Activities: Traditional rituals, dance performances, communal meals.
  • Best place to experience: Due to the remoteness of the Shompen tribe, witnessing this festival firsthand might be difficult.
  • Food: Traditional Shompen food and festive delicacies.
  • Restrictions: Visitors should be respectful of tribal customs.

Pig Festival

The pig festival in Andaman nicobar island is a traditional celebration among some indigenous tribes like the nicobaris it involves the communal Slaughters and fast feasting on pigs this Festival holds cultural significance as it symbolize unity and marks various occasions including birth weddings and other community events among these tribes

Some Details :

  • Why: A traditional celebration among some indigenous tribes like the Nicobaris. It involves the communal slaughter and feasting on pigs to mark various occasions like births, weddings, and community events.
  • Location: Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Date: Dates vary depending on the occasion being celebrated.
  • Activities: Communal pig slaughter, feasting, celebrations.
  • Best place to experience: While not a public festival, you might encounter it if visiting a tribal village during a celebration.
  • Food: Roasted or cooked pork as the main course.
  • Restrictions: Outsiders should be respectful and avoid intruding on tribal celebrations.

Island Tourism Festival

This Annual Festival is a major event in the Andaman Islands featuring a Showcase of the local culture arts crafts inclusions it includes dance performances exhibitions and various competitions Island tourism Festival is an another Festival in the Andaman and nicobar Islands the festival is held in Port Blair and runs for 15 days Festival includes dance performances kite flying and Flora shows.

  • Location: Port Blair, Andaman Islands.
  • Date: January for 15 days.
  • Activities: Dance performances, exhibitions, competitions, kite flying, flora shows.
  • Best place to experience: Port Blair during the festival.
  • Food: A wide variety of local delicacies from across the Andaman Islands are available at food stalls during the festival.
  • Restrictions: None for the general public.

Beach festival

The beach festival in Andaman and nicobar islands is a vibrant celebration of the regions natural beauty and cultural diversity it features water sports Beachside music and dance performances traditional food stalls and various beach related activities this annual event attracts tourists and local alike showcasing the islands stunning beaches and Rich cultural heritage.

Some details :

  • Why: A vibrant celebration of the region’s natural beauty and cultural heritage.
  • Location: Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Date: Typically held sometime in winter, between December and February.
  • Activities: Water sports, beachside music and dance performances, traditional food stalls, beach games, and activities.
  • Best place to experience: The specific beach where the festival is being held that year.
  • Food: Local seafood specialties, vegetarian options, tropical fruits, and snacks are available at beachside stalls.
  • Restrictions: None for the general public, but follow safety guidelines for water sports.


Is it safe to visit during a festival?

Generally, yes. Festivals are a great time to experience the local culture

Do I need to buy tickets for the festivals?

Entry to most events at the Island Tourism Festival and Beach Festival is usually free.


These tribal festivals are an integral part of the cultural heritage of the Andaman and nicobar Islands they not only provide an opportunity for indigenous communities to celebrate their Traditions but also offer a glimpse into the rich and diverse cultural history of the region

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